It identifies how your events should be broken apart.

This is the first attribute is used to tell Splunk where to start to look for the timestamp in your event. There happens to be seven attributes you want to set in nf every time you bring data into Splunk as below We can create different folders for specific apps in $splunk default location/bin/apps and create nf inside default directory for that app.Splunk will automatically pick up configuration from that file and process them as per precedence if multiple nf are available. opt/splunk/etc/system/local/nf ->We can edit this file for configurations opt/splunk/etc/system/default/nf ->never edit this file as its conatians default configuration Below is the location where we can find 's not necessary to add/configure all parameters in only one or more parameter explained below conf file used by splunk while indexing the data and later.Splunk uses configuration in nf while indexing logs to indexer and for later processing. conf files. Below we will go through and understand nf file.
Splunk props.conf full#
conf files.Most of the time GUI does not offer full functionalities in that case we can achieve them through. conf files controls behaviour of splunk.These files are available on splunk server and easily redable and editable if you have appropriate access.Whatever changes we make through GUI seatss in. Splunk configuration files are the main brains behind splunk working.