Finish all zones in an area to complete that area. Paint all of the walls with light strands on them in a particular zone to complete that zone. When all of the walls with light strands on them have been painted, that building is officially finished. With a stroke of the brush on these walls, the lights change from off to on. Of course, though, there is a goal to be found in Concrete Genie as well, as and the main one is finding walls containing hanging strands of non-functioning lights on them.

Really, there is fantastic fun to be found in covering every conceivable wall you can in various patterns to create your own enchanted landscape murals which brighten the once dull city streets. So seeing its revitalization throughout the game is glorious. With a stroke of the magical paintbrush, hanging lights of mushrooms jingle downward, trees rise up from the ground, an aurora illuminates the wall, and glistening stars light up what were once barren walls.ĭenska begins as a dull, drab and desolate place in Concrete Genie, Each main area of the game, which there are four, has a set of landscape patterns to use.
Concrete genie pages series#
Most walls can be littered with colorful and gorgeous graffiti, but you're limited only by being able to use a set series of patterns when painting as opposed to freestyle. If you have an issue with using motion controls, then an alternate right analog stick control setup is available instead. This is particularly important for the batch of bullies that Ash continuously contends with throughout the game, and the adventure all ends for everyone on an especially poignant, feelgood note.Īsh's paintbrush has plenty of uses to it, as it can conjure art by pointing at walls, holding down the R2 button when doing so, and utilizing the PlayStation 4's motion controls to aim while drawing. While Ash's short term happiness is ruined, when he stumbles across a magical paintbrush, able to create living mural-like creatures, it appears that in the long term that Ash and Denska's futures as a whole look brighter than ever before.Ĭoncrete Genie is a terrific journey and a heartfelt one at that-that gives each character in it more dimensions than the creatures that Ash can summon with his paintbrush. In one encounter they tear up his sketchbook in a scuffle, sending the pages flying to all corners of Denska. Taken over by darkness and negative energy, Denska seems doomed to its fate, as does Ash who constantly gets teased and picked on by a group of misfits. In Concrete Genie you play as a bullied teen named Ash, an artist that favors to draw in his sketchbook and who yearns for the days where his hometown of Denska was a happening, beautiful place instead of the dilapidated, empty, and scummy eyesore that it is currently. Like the murals and creatures that our hero can masterfully and magically paint onto the walls of the town of Denska, Concrete Genie is a work of art, exuding a high level of polish and quality.

Pixelopus' Concrete Genie is one of those games. Some games are short, but are more than worth their price of admission by virtue of just being amazing and unique experiences.