WONTFIX is used as a label on issues in Bugzilla and other systems. Terry Weissman From The Bugzilla Guide – 2.16.10 Release: Glossary WONTFIX Of *course* there are bugs matching your query, they just aren't in the bugsystem yet. So, when you query for a list of bugs, and it gets no results, you can think of this as a friendly reminder. Just like the software, the T-shirt had no known bugs.
#Bugzilla wikimedia software
(This is not unique to Netscape or to 4.0 the same thing has happened with every software project I've ever seen.) Anyway, at the release party, T-shirts were handed out that said something like "Netscape 4.0: Zarro Boogs". Naturally, that hadn't actually happened. Naturally, there had been a big push to try and fix every known bug before the release. way back when, when Netscape released version 4.0 of its browser, we had a release party. When asked to explain this message, Terry Weissman (an early Bugzilla developer) had the following to say: I've been asked to explain this. Zarro Boogs Found This is just a goofy way of saying that there were no bugs found matching your query.
#Bugzilla wikimedia code
The following comment is provided in the Bugzilla source code to developers who may be confused by this behaviour: "Zarro Boogs" is intended as a 'buggy' statement itself (a misspelling of "zero bugs") and is thus a meta-statement about the nature of software debugging, implying that even when no bugs have been identified, some may exist. While the potential exists in the code to turn Bugzilla into a technical support ticket system, task management tool, or project management tool, Bugzilla's developers have chosen to focus on the task of designing a system to track software defects.īugzilla returns the string "zarro boogs found" instead of "0 bugs found" when a search for bugs returns no results. īugzilla 3.0 was released on and brought a refreshed UI, an XML-RPC interface, custom fields and resolutions, mod_perl support, shared saved searches, and improved UTF-8 support, along with other changes.īugzilla 4.0 was released on Februand Bugzilla 5.0 was released in July 2015. In July 2001, facing distraction from her other responsibilities in Netscape, Hernandez handed control to Dave Miller, who was still in charge as of 2020. Under her leadership, some of the regular contributors were coerced into taking more responsibility, and Bugzilla development became more community-driven. In April 2000, Weissman handed over control of the Bugzilla project to Tara Hernandez. īugzilla 2.0 was the result of that port to Perl, and the first version was released to the public via anonymous CVS. Bugzilla was originally written in Tcl, but Weissman decided to port it to Perl before its release as part of Netscape's early open-source code drops, in the hope that more people would be able to contribute to it, given that Perl seemed to be a more popular language at the time. History īugzilla was originally devised by Terry Weissman in 1998 for the nascent project, as an open source application to replace the in-house system then in use at Netscape Communications for tracking defects in the Netscape Communicator suite. Red Hat uses it, but is gradually migrating its product to use Jira. Bugzilla is used, among others, by the Mozilla Foundation, WebKit, Linux kernel, FreeBSD, KDE, Apache, Eclipse and LibreOffice.

#Bugzilla wikimedia free
Released as open-source software by Netscape Communications in 1998, it has been adopted by a variety of organizations for use as a bug tracking system for both free and open-source software and proprietary projects and products. Bugzilla is a web-based general-purpose bug tracking system and testing tool originally developed and used by the Mozilla project, and licensed under the Mozilla Public License.